2024-2025 Executive Committee

UKCD ASDA’s Executive Committee consists of President, President Elect, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer. These five are responsible for overseeing the organization’s committees, ensuring that there are ongoing events that are inclusive for all members. Exec plans and executes our FEVER Week each fall and works together to make sure that members see the value in ASDA membership! Exec attends ASDA’s annual conferences to represent our chapter when advocating for our students and chapters, and selects our national leaders.

Victoria Crane

President | Class of 2025

Morgan Dailey

Secretary | Class of 2026

Sydney Wahl

President Elect | Class of 2026

Wyatt Vanlangendonck

Treasurer | Class of 2025

Ciara Sandefur

Vice President | Class of 2025

Saturday Morning Clinic Committee

Saturday Morning Clinic (SMC) is a clinic that UKCD ASDA hosts for children in the Lexington community once a month and is organized by Saturday Morning Clinic Committee. SMC was started more than 40 years ago by students wanting to promote good oral health, while giving back to the community. Its mission is to serve as a dental home for the children of Lexington and central Kentucky who are from underserved communities, uninsured and underinsured. The committee, composed of 5 D3s and 5 D4s, is responsible for communicating with student volunteers and students on rotation, calling patients to confirm appointments, ordering breakfast for all volunteers, and coordinating students with patients based on treatment needs and student abilities. Cooridnators are also responsible for patient check in and check out, ensuring that each SMC is ran efficiently, and reporting correct dental codes, determining number of services provided and monetary amount of care received so that a final report can be sent out monthly. We are proud to say that we, on average, we provide over $4,000 in dental care every month!

Caitlin Beach

Class of 2025

Erick Joseph

Class of 2025

Bekah Hall

Class of 2026

Bobby Payne

Class of 2026

Corinne Brown

Class of 2025

Harrison Roberts

Class of 2025

Ian Lang

Class of 2026

TJ Huster

Class of 2025

Hallea Barnhill

Class of 2026

Mitchell Logan

Class of 2026

Predental Committee

Our predental committee works hard to plan engaging and helpful events, not only for predental students at the University of Kentucky, but for predental students across the state of Kentucky. This year, our spring event is a Residency Panel that will allow students to ask current residents about their respective programs. Stay tuned for our fall events next semester - we look forward to serving predental students from across the nation and encourage them to join such a great profession.

Niki Armstrong

Class of 2025

Macee Ashcraft-Schrand

Class of 2027

Emma Boyd

Class of 2025

Rachel Dent

Class of 2026

Matthew Rafla

Class of 2027

Bella Tacogue

Class of 2025

Gold Crown Committee

ASDA’s Gold Crown Awards are presented annually at Annual Session. Gold Crown Awards recognize chapters that are committed to promoting ASDA’s missions through chapter programming. Categories include member engagement & value, community service, advocacy, health & wellness, member communications, and professional development & leadership. There is even an overall “Gold Crown” award presented to one outstanding chapter each year. UKCD ASDA’s Gold Crown Committee is tasked with writing and submitting our Gold Crown Awards application for consideration in being presented with one of these awards. They also work to create a video that highlights our chapter’s events and successes from the previous year. We are hopeful to win one or more awards in the coming year!

Rami Alzein

Class of 2025

Matthew Rafla

Class of 2027


ASDA Day Committee

ASDA Day coordinates our ASDA Day, a day of professional development including a lecture course in the morning followed by vendor fair in the afternoon. The keynote speaker selected to present at ASDA Day is a leader in their respective field and allows students the explore dentistry in a new light. This committee is in charge of vendor relations to organize a vendor fair where students can network with local businesses and explore potential job opportunities. Students are able to experience the dental landscape as they prepare to enter practice.

Caitlin Beach

Class of 2025

Abby Beckman

Class of 2025

Grace Evans

Class of 2027

Sydney Johnson

Class of 2026

Hannah Tsai

Class of 2026

Ethan Van Wynsberg

Class of 2027

Lunch & Learn Committee

Lunch & Learns nourish students’ minds and bodies. Students are able to engage in meaningful conversations with partners in the dental industry, learn about possible job opportunities, and connect with dental partners through programming during their lunch hour. Lunch & Learn Committee is tasked with coordinating said Lunch & Learns with various dental partners, arrange the delivery of lunch, send out registration for each event, and ensure that students who sign up to attend, attend the lunch.

Elle Blincoe

Class of 2026

Olivia Hamilton

Class of 2027

Nicole Robin

Class of 2027

Emily Royster

Class of 2027

Fundraising Committee

Fundraising Committee is responsible for helping us raise money for the organization. Our fundraising team uses their creative sides to come up with exciting, new UKCD merchandise that is appealing to students, faculty, staff, alumni, and family members! Each semester, we hold a clothing drive using different designs so that there is something for everybody. In the recent past we have held FIGS fundraisers, Dental Socks fundraisers, an ornament fundraiser painted by a local artist, koozies, and held a Pet Madness bracket during March Madness. We look forward to seeing what our current fundraising committee comes up over the next year.

Alyssa Marano

Class of 2025

Emma Sivills

Class of 2027

Council on Advocacy

The Council on Advocacy serves to encourage advocacy among our students and provide knowledge on current legislation that affects us as providers as well as the patients we are going to serve. The Licensure Chair provides information on licensure for our fourth year students and the Legislative Liaison is responsible for helping coordinate the students who will attend the ADA ASDA Dentist and Student Lobby Day. Our Legislative Liaison is planning some exciting advocacy events including Lunch & Learns with some of our faculty who are involved in the KDA and ADA.

Niki Armstrong

Licensure Chair | Class of 2025

Hannah Tsai

Legislative Liaison | Class of 2026


Social Committee

ASDA certainly knows how to have fun - Social Committee assists the organization host social events for our members. Some of our favorite events include Keeneland, Halloween Party at XOXO, Mr. Molar, and various tailgates at UK sporting events. We want members to feel that they are getting value out of their membership, so this committee is working hard to ensure that there are events happening that students want to attend and will find enjoyable. We have some other events in the works which includes volleyball and pickleball.

Kaitie Cox

Class of 2026

Sydney Johnson

Class of 2026

Logan Kaple

Class of 2027

Jocelyn Murtha

Class of 2026

Jacob Peterson

Class of 2026

Payton Sanford

Class of 2026

Matt Tackett

Class of 2027


ASDA Class Representatives

ASDA Class Representatives keep communication open between students and exec - representatives inform students of the events that are going on and how to be involved. Class reps send flyers in their respective group chats, ensuring that no one is left without communication.

Tanner Sauley

D4 Class Rep | Class of 2025

Lance Johnson

D3 Class Rep | Class of 2026

Josh Howells

D2 Class Rep | Class of 2027

Wellness Committee

Hosts wellness events for our students every semester. Previously we used to host wellness week, but we are excited this year to be hosting wellness month in the month of April!

Chapman Deaton

Class of 2026

Ashton Moore

Class of 2026

Gabby Filkins

Class of 2026

Keeley Justice

Class of 2026

Philanthropy Committee

Ensures that students have the opportunity to volunteer at Mission Lexington, a local clinic that provides free dental care. Also hosts Wine Night to raise money for Mission Lexington.

Jovita Devasia

Class of 2026

Paige Palalay

Class of 2026

Josh Howells

Class of 2027

Katelyn Spain

Class of 2026

Kennedy Mullins

Class of 2027

Diversity & Inclusion Chair

Works to ensure that every voice is heard and represented within UKCD and beyond.

Sydney Johnson

Class of 2026


Social Media

Our social media team manages our social media, creates content and videos for Gold Crown Awards, and keeps our website up to date. :)

Alyssa Bickett

Website Editor | Class of 2025

Kennedy Morgan

Social Media Chair | Class of 2026

Dev Patel

Videographer | Class of 2026