ASDA’s Structure & ORganization



Our local ASDA chapter serves the student members of ASDA at UKCD. ASDA hosts various social and educational events for students to keep them engaged. There are all sorts of events in hopes that all students feel included and want to be a member. Some of the many events we host throughout the year include:

  • Loupes Fair: Purchasing your first pair of loupes can be overwhelming! ASDA wants to make sure that you have chosen the right ones for you, so we invite multiple vendors to our loupes fair so you can “try before you buy,” while making an informed decision. Students from all four years are welcome to purchase loupes or ask the representatives questions!

  • Keeneland Tailgate: Home to Lexington is Keeneland, a horse racing track that is very popular among Lexington residents and UKCD students. Each semester, we host a tailgate for students to congregate and network with dental companies prior to watching the races.

  • ASDA Day: This event is a fun and jam-packed day with a keynote speaker, awards, new officer announcements, lunch, and vendor fair.

  • Mr. Molar: ASDA’s Annual Mr. Molar pageant is one of the most popular events of the year, with 2 gentlemen per class competing for the title of “Mr. Molar.” Categories include Evening Wear, Best Legs, Dental Trivia, and Lip Sync. All proceeds from this event go to a local non-profit clinic – Mission Health Lexington!

  • Saturday Morning Clinic: We host a dental clinic at UKCD one Saturday every month to provide exams, cleanings, restorations, and extractions for children in the Lexington community. This is a hugely successful philanthropy initiative that also allows us as dental students to gain clinical experience within a pediatric population.


Each dental school in the country is part of a district, based on geographic location. District 7 consists of the University of Kentucky, Indiana University, the University of Illinois at Chicago, the University of Louisville, Marquette University, Midwestern University, and Southern Illinois University. There is opportunity for students to serve on the district cabinet level which works together to host our annual district meeting.


All of the dental schools are part of the national ASDA organization. National ASDA hosts three meetings per year, National Leadership Conference, Annual Session, and the ADA ASDA Dentist Student Lobby Day. These conferences are excellent opportunities to network with various dental corporations and other dental students from across the country. Students can engage in meaningful lectures and speak with vendors at the vendor fairs. There is opportunity for leadership at the national level by serving as a district trustee, speaker of the house, or national president or vice president.


As a member of ASDA, you can expect a number of member benefits! Additionally, while a member of ASDA, you are also considered a student member of the ADA. The following link can be used to see a full break down of everything that ASDA has to offer as a member.